Hi guys. I know, it’s a crazy, unprecedented time right now. The coronavirus (COVID-19) has us locked inside and the economy is in flux. But…

I remind you to smile through it all. As with every emergency, understand and respect the seriousness of the situation. Heed the warnings, and participate in social distancing. However, know that we’ll get through it all and even march again as Guinness reminds us.

Brands are doing their part like Ford helping people through the financial burden this global shutdown has caused. It’s always a good look to promote reassurance over product in times like these.

If you do have the coronavirus, I’m sorry and I hope you get well soon. For the others, while you work from home, take online classes, and bunker down, remember that it’s temporary – and things could be a lot worse.

Here are some things to enjoy through it all.

~ This adorably smart corgi (if you ignore all the plastic necessary for this 😅)

~ Catch-22 by Joseph Heller or read Animal Farm by George Orwell with me

~ That board game you haven’t touched in months

~ This COVID-19 inspired playlist on Spotify

~ Cook the Tasty recipe that has you drooling

~ Parasite, winner of Best Picture

~ Color your way to calm with your kid in a coloring book or print outs you can find online

~ Rewatch The Office for the seventh time before it goes off Netflix

I believe in you. You’ll get through this. Wishing everyone happiness and health through it all ❤️