Hi Tim! I hope you and Lauren are doing well! It’s been a minute since we talked – even longer since I’ve written a blog post. I figured I’d update you both.

To level set for everyone reading, let me go back to a time B.C. – Before Covid, that is. I had graduated from college in Dec 2019 and took some time before diving deep into job postings. Of course, we know what happened in March. I filled my time teaching ESL.

November 2020

In November 2020, I had applied to this company called Wildtype on a whim. I didn’t get it. But, the recruiter was impressed with me and passed my name to another person at a sister company. A week later, I interviewed with Pat, the head of Brand Planning. The same day after I interviewed with you and Charles, I had 4 missed calls from the new recruiter. (Not in a negligent way but in an “all the calls were within 2 hours of each other and I was teaching” way.) Quickly, I was signed on to be a freelance planner at Harrison & Star, working with you as my manager.

March 2021

After a few months of working with you and Charles, I had learned SO much. I was working on multiple brands and even was able to contribute to a pitch. I was ready for full-time. March 8th, I was officially on H/S’s full-time roster. My plate got loaded quickly with 4 clients: HIV PrEP, HIV Tx, and 2 oncology brands. I can’t say that it was a breeze the whole time. I was writing 3 creative briefs for 1 client, listening to research for another, and doing other various projects. But, ya girl got it done.

June 2021

This was a month of good and bad for me.

The good:

  • Work-wise, there was some market research with our slightly looney client, but otherwise, things went relatively smoothly through June.
  • I signed for an apartment in **NYC**!

The bad:

  • You had to take some time off. (Good you could take off, bad I was losing an amazing manager)
  • The Sixers blew it.

July 2021

This was a big month.

It started with a week off for the 4th of July. (Sorry, Charles. You went from a 3 person team to just you.)
Didn’t end up going on the road trip, but ended up at the beach!

I got back and my schedule was crazy. Here’s one way to look at it:

First week freelancing
First week full time

First week back from vacation

That last picture was even zoomed out to account for some research going until 10PM ET. It was a lot. But, I tend to do well with chaos.

Later, on July 20th, Pat announced she had a serious issue that required her to take a medical leave. Charles took over her role. I had to start jumping on calls early to catch him, and there were planners working on brands that were not their own to make sure everything got done. It worked out though, and I was able to get a lot more exposure to other people!

End of July/August 2021

The big personal event: I moved to New York City!! I ended up in an apartment near Columbus Circle with a friend I met in middle school and another mutual friend.

It’s a 5th-floor walkup, but the view makes it worth it. (Also, we hired movers lol.) One set of stairs and we’re on the roof with this view.

Pretty damn nice, huh? Might catch me in a Teams meeting up there since the wifi reaches – perks of being on the top floor. My south-facing windows get the view of Hudson Yards too. Not too bad for a first NYC apartment!

All’s this to say – I’m doing well, and I hope you are too. I’m sure it’s pretty crazy on your end but know I’m sending warm wishes your way. Please reach out if you need anything or just want to chat New York!
