Wow. Somehow I already graduated from college. It seems both a blur and an eternity. But, this past December 19th, I walked across the stage into post-graduate life. Enjoy a nice scroll through a few pictures from my three and a half years.

I moved into college undeclared with not the slightest inkling of what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. There were ups and downs, as life goes. However, I had the best time at Temple and am so appreciative of everything the university has provided me and the people who supported me.

I can’t even begin to explain how much I learned and grew through these few short years. For one, I learned that there was a whole industry of advertising. I’m so grateful for all the opportunities I had at Temple from independent studies to internships to traveling abroad. I’ll miss Temple, but I’m so excited for what’s next.

My freshman year dorm
My freshman year roommates
My family got a puppy named Bo
There were some really long nights along the way
I cooked a full chicken, a true accomplishment for such a novice cook
Post-Super Bowl Eagles win rush to City Hall
Super Bowl Parade
Saxbys headquarters to interview CEO Nick Bayer for Brownstein Group
Temple Ad Club Executive Board Party
Ecuador Spring Break Trip
NSAC Spring Team
Interning at Finch Brands
Winning Excellence in Brand Strategy and Research announced by Dr. Ball
My desk interning at Tierney
Graduating summa cum laude in the Honors Program from Klein College of Media and Communication with a degree in Advertising and concentration in Brand Strategy and Research

Note: all graduation pictures were taken by Jasmine Shaw.
Check out her work on her website here.