What is Gotcha Day, and is that you in that picture?

Gotcha Day is a name given to the day an orphan meets her or his future parent(s) for the first time. It’s the day the child is adopted, or that her or his parent(s) ‘got her/him.’ 20 years ago, my parents finished their 2-week tour of China by traveling to Maoming, China to adopt a crying, screaming me. (Yup, that pic’s of my mom holding me for the first time😁)

20 years ago, on July 23, 1999, my whole life changed. I was adopted. Since then, I have been raised by my amazing Italian parents in the US. I formed an ‘in-between’ identity of being Chinese-American. I wasn’t born here, but I don’t have a full grasp on the authentic Chinese culture. I live straddling both cultures, not fitting completely in either bucket. I love being able to claim both identities, but…

Marketers often define their target audience by generalizations: gender, age, household income, ethnicity, etc. They have to because there are so many people. They need to ascertain the unique quality that they share. But, most people don’t fit in nicely defined classifications. This emphasizes the importance of behavioristic and psychographic profiles. People are more than just numbers and simple classifications. Advertising should reflect that. Advertising is meant to connect a person with a brand. Connections form through personal bonds. Strategists and planners need to consider this when they map out their strategies.

About Marissa Musings: Marissa Musings are short blog posts that derive from an outpouring of random thoughts. My brain can be a very crazy place. Enjoy with caution.