We all know the story. Bud Light created a campaign playing on people’s anxieties. They persuaded people – or tried to induce people – to care about corn syrup. Bud Light’s medieval world attacked other beer brands like Miller Lite for using the ingredient. Now, MillerCoors is suing Budweiser for the Super Bowl campaign.

Here’s the thing. I don’t like it when brands manipulate vulnerable people by playing to their anxieties. However, I have nothing but respect for those who succeed in doing so. Think about it: they created a significant culture shift. Why do you exfoliate? Why do you eat cereal for breakfast? Marketing and advertising have such a huge impact when it comes to culture.

But, Bud Light did it wrong. Here’s why.

They decided to go for the aggressive war-like stance. That would have been fine if Bud Light simply left it as a war against corn syrup. But, they made it more direct and mentioned other brands. By creating a battle of brands, they forced animosity and sides. Bud Light forgot to look at the cultural context of today. Polarizing politics have made people tired of division. People connect with each over beer. They don’t need their favorite beer brands feuding over something as dumb as corn syrup.

MillerCoors v. Budweiser

A miss to another miss, MillerCoors suing Budweiser adds to the division. It’s like the ridiculous fights siblings have when they’re younger. MillerCoors has been telling everyone that Budweiser started it, pointing fingers like a child. Budweiser shouldn’t have created the campaign, but MillerCoors is fueling the attention.

This messy ‘corngate’ will pass. However, both brands need to grow up and act like they’re old enough to drink alcohol.

About Marissa Musings: Marissa Musings are short blog posts that derive from an outpouring of random thoughts. My brain can be a very crazy place. Enjoy with caution.