History taught in schools is merely an interpretation of the past. It varies from school to school. Educators have so much power when it comes to how and what they choose to emphasize. For example, different teachers approach the Civil War differently.

Teachers can choose what or how many details about slavery or the Japenese Internment Camps they share. But, generally, history lessons lack female heroines. Research suggests that 89 percent of history-textbook references are about men.

You can’t be what you can’t see

Girls should grow up being taught that they can accomplish great things and change the world like Harriet Tubman. They need to learn about names like Jovita Idár that usually slip under the radar. Goodby Silverstein & Partners and Daughters of the Evolution unveiled their answer to the problem at SXSW in Austin last Tuesday.

Meet “Lessons in Herstory”

It’s an app that utilizes AR by bringing to life forgotten heroines.

Taken from Muse by Clio

The app works by scanning a camera over a textbook to show women who were similar to the men featured in the book.

Here’s the thing…

I love this. I truly do. Girls should learn more about powerful women – women we don’t often hear about. But, my only complaint is that it covers up the male image. Part of me doesn’t care. Women have been neglected in history. It’s okay that their faces cover the man’s. But, the reality is that it subtly tells the wrong story of feminism. Feminism in its pure form calls for equality. One is not better or less than the other. Covering up the man’s face instead of placing it to the side or some other option isn’t the best way to set the foundation for a strong feminist. It weakens the feminist argument when women strive to be better or more powerful than men. (Personally, I’m not mad at a powerful badass woman who can beat the men.) But, feminism needs to call for equality, for women to be side by side with men.

That’s my only criticism. Otherwise, I love this. The best part of the app is that largely unknown women are featured. It adds to the roster of popular, powerful women.

Check it out here!