Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is in. 

CSR is a great way to show a brand has empathy, and consumers who are also passionate about the social issue will likely support the brand.

However, brands must also follow through with their promises so as to not seem inauthentic. By committing to CSR, brands can better connect to potential customers.

Trendy brands must do their best to help some aspect of this world – and a common one is the environment. 

The environment is an issue that affects everyone, everywhere. This is why it is a great social issue to latch on to. But, it can be difficult to avoid the politics that often follow with the environment. Great brands can take a clear stand – and are more respected because of it. However, there is a way to avoid the controversial topic of climate change.

Although climate change has been proven, there are still some naysayers who don’t believe that it is important or that humans have an impact upon the increasing temperature of the Earth. There is one thing they cannot deny: humans create waste. Humans create a lot of waste. While the US created a recycling system, there is an overabundance of plastic for what can be practically recycled. In addition, China banned foreign waste. So, the US cannot export half of its recycling it normally does. This is a big issue that will impact the US before we know it. With no where to put our plastic and rising landfills, we’re in over our heads with waste. 

There’s an abundance of waste, and your company can capitalize on this problem. By reducing your waste, you not only can help the world, you can join the trash reduction movement. Being green isn’t easy. Kermit told us that. But, it can be extremely rewarding as you change the world and connect to passionate customers as a bonus. Being able to say that you produce less waste is a great selling bonus.

For example, SodaStream created a parody of the famous Coke Hilltop commercial in “It’s time for a change!”

This commercial got a bit of slack because the company is soon to be owned by PepsiCo (who creates a lot of plastic bottles). However, it veers away from the hyper political topic of climate change well by focusing on trash accumulation and its impact on sea animals and the world.

The environment has unfortunately become a political topic. But, you can avoid the controversial climate change topic by concentrating efforts on trash reduction. It’ll feel great to know that you’re making a positive impact on our world – and having passionate customers standing behind your brand because of it.