The two biggest celebrities just announced their relationship.

A few weeks later they’re engaged.

Four months after that they have broken up. The internet mourns the loss of the relationship as the celebrities start covering up their shared tattoos.

This is a specific example, (and sorry Ariana and Pete. I’m sure you’ll be okay.) but this occurs all the time.

From hasty celebrity couples to the new song you fell in love with at first listen, the breakup occurs quicker than they can become Facebook official. 

So why is this?

There’s no definite answer, but an advertiser can speculate. Short lived ‘loves’ are fast and furious at the beginning. But, they end as quickly as they start. On the other hand, there are relationships that start off as ‘likes.’ Whether it’s a person, a song, a brand, or a product, the attraction burns slow. It simmers until a full boil. The love stays hotter, longer.

Okay, I get it. Enough crazy metaphors.

But, it seems that when interest starts slow and builds into love for the person, song, product, etc., the love sustains longer. This may not change the way we advertise brands, but it is something to think about. The goal, potentially, shouldn’t be  an exponential spike in sales because it will likely become a fad and fade out. Instead, appreciate the slow ‘burn’ and the gradual increase in love.

About Marissa Musings: Marissa Musings are short blog posts that derive from an outpouring of random thoughts. My brain can be a very crazy place. Enjoy with caution.