It’s that practice 9 to 5. It’s that place where you can feel/pretend like you’re an adult without the adult responsibilities. The internship.

It’s not my first time in the ring. (The picture above was shot outside of Brownstein Group, my very first internship.) But, every time you apply for a new internship, you face a lot of the same battles.

No, it probably doesn’t sound like your process at all, but this was my internship journey for my first – and, really, second – internship.

First, it’s the daunting application process.

Even though writing a personalized cover letter isn’t a lot of work, it always feels like it in the anticipation. You send out your application to everyone because you’re pretty eager for any experience.

Tip: Really use your network. It may feel weird or awkward to ask someone you don’t really know for a favor. But, trust me, it isn’t weird or awkward. Most people want to help you out just as much as you want that internship. So, reach out. It’s worked for me every time.

You realize that the places you applied to may not actually be what you want, but oh well. You justify lost time by assuring yourself that you got your name out there. And, you never know. The place you are least excited about might be the best fit.

The waiting game’s the worst.

Time passes. No emails. Man, you might not have gotten into any of those places. There are two options for what happens next. You might panic apply to more places or cope with the surmised rejection with some ice cream.

Then, the email arrives.

There it is!! You see it in your inbox. It’s from a company you applied to. Unconsciously, you’re holding your breath as you open the email. They asked for an interview!!!!

You do your due diligence and research the company. You prepare questions to ask the interviewers about the company. The interview happens. You think you did well.

In the interim, you second guess your interview.

Can you ever actually tell how you did in an interview? Not really. Now you’re thinking about whether you should start applying to more places.

The next email is the real heart attack inducer.

Here it really is. You don’t want to get your hopes up, but, man, you want that internship. AHH! You’ve been accepted!! What a relief.

While this is a dramatized version,

I get that internship search struggle. You know you’ll get there. However, that final destination to the internship is tough to get to. But, it’s always worth it.

This all was inspired by me earning a new internship at Tierney! I’m excited for this new experience.

About Marissa Musings: Marissa Musings are short blog posts that derive from an outpouring of random thoughts. My brain can be a very crazy place. Enjoy with caution.