Ciao! I’m currently blogging from Roma, Italia. I’ll be here for the next six weeks for my study abroad program. Besides going to the beautiful basilicas and the Spanish steps, I’ve also been learning more about the culture here. One thing that advertisers should take note of is the way Italians use body language.

The Italian program directors have been telling us a lot about the importance of body language. Italians will prioritize body language over the words verbalized by the other person. For example, saying “no” with a smile or laugh means “yes.” I haven’t seen too many ads here in Rome yet, but it should be something advertisers look in to. It stands as another reminder that ads don’t always translate across cultures. Advertisers must be conscious and have a native of the culture analyze the ad before publishing or releasing the ad.

Due to the craziness of studying abroad and the constant travel, I’ll be taking a short hiatus from blogging. I’ll see you when I come back!

About Marissa Musings: Marissa Musings are short blog posts that derive from an outpouring of random thoughts. My brain can be a very crazy place. Enjoy with caution.