…I don’t need to say much. It was a bit of a dismal Super Bowl all the way around. Commercials were okay, Halftime Show was mediocre at best, and the game outright was a snooze fest.

It’s a shame because the best thing about the Super Bowl is that everyone else loves commercials as much as I do! Also, it was my birthday; I was gifted with a dull game and another Patriot win. Ouch. But oh well, let’s talk commercials.

The commercials were generally safe. They just were not very memorable. So many brands decided to play to the emotional side, and well it was just a lot. They were great ads, but they blended together because everyone went to the emotional side. And, those who did, again, played it safe. They just didn’t stand out.

There were a few good commercials though. Here are the commercials that stuck out to me.


A lot of people really liked this commercial. Some said that this one actually ‘won’ the Super Bowl. I enjoyed it too! But, it was harder for me to say that the NFL ‘won’ because of their spots that danced around the topic of race. That was a miss to me. NFL, you still have the controversy around Colin Kaepernick. You barely got a halftime show performer. Don’t bother. But, this individual commercial was good. It removed itself from the lawsuit and was playful. It was fun, and everyone can relate to Marshawn Lynch.

Mint Mobile

I have to add this commercial because it evoked a visceral reaction in everyone I was with at my Super Bowl party. There were a few people who even jumped off their seat. Okay, maybe that was just me. There was beauty in this disgusting ad. It made everyone truly feel some sort of way when they saw the chunks of milk falling out of the carton. That’s something special. It was gross, but oh so memorable.


Amazon got it right. They didn’t bother trying to tug on the heartstrings. They went to the Super Bowl with a great commercial that made everyone laugh. It was simple and light-hearted. It was perfect comedic relief in between the poor playing on the field.

Bud Light and Game of Thrones

Okay, this is the commercial I would say ‘won’ the Super Bowl. It had a great narrative. Everyone thought it was just another Bud Light commercial. But wait! No! It’s an HBO Game of Thrones commercial! It’s a collab! Good job Droga5 and Wieden + Kennedy!

Skull Shaver, the real winner?

Maybe this commercial ‘won’ the Super Bowl. Probably not, but this commercial’s hilarious. It was so unexpected and stupid. It was great. I’ll just leave this here.