They’re Back!

The Coca-Cola Polar Bears are back!

Following up on their ‘Household Rules’ campaign earlier this year, agency David Sao Paulo produced this heartwarming commercial featuring the Polar Bear’s Christmas rules and a cover of Phillip Phillip’s song, “Home.” The rules are shown as the polar bear family readies themselves and their home for the holidays. The Coca-Cola’s bears’ house rules are simple. Ask for help when you need it. Keep traditions alive. Connect with loved ones no matter the distance, and always have room for another guest. The ad concludes with the polar bear family welcoming in neighboring penguins for dinner. They all enjoy their Coca-Cola together.

The Polar Bears are 25 years old now! To celebrate we can reminisce about its inventor, Ken Stewart, and the polar bear’s origin

This commercial hits upon the trend of the season: togetherness. From collecting all as a polar bear family to inviting others in to their home, the polar bears show that it’s best to invite guests in.